Saturday, March 18, 2017

Use of Games Helps to Decrease waistline and Obesity

Use of Video Games Helps to Decrease waistline and Obesity

Use of games is very helpful these days to give shape to your body and decrease weight.

Some active games like Your Shape Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360), Zumba Fitness (Nintendo Wii), and Walk It Out (Nintendo Wii with balance board) and very help for overweight people. 

A 2013 study from the University of Kansas Medical Center followed a group of 20 overweight or obese people through a three-month weight-loss program. One group visited a weight-loss clinic, the other completed a virtual weight loss game - and surprise! 

Those who played the game had more successful results. If you do not have a video game system, try this low-tech way to burn calories: Blast music in your living room, and dance until you have to hit the couch.

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